Preliminary Task - Brief

Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

Preliminary Task - Finished Sequence

Main Task - Brief

The titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes (all video and audio material must be original, produced by candidates, with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source).

Main Task - Finished Sequence

Why Kris is amazing

Hi I'm Kris and to the right (beneath useful links, labels and blog archive) there is a picture of me :D >

I look that smart every day really, even at school where I am currently studying media.

I love film and taking pictures, and if you scroll down the page you will see some random examples of this I have managed to dig up..

Anyway, on here I will be posting all my AS media foundation portfolio work and basically it will be pretty amazing...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Our shoot went mostly well, with actors and helpers attending, location, props and costumes sorted out, and some decent footage being gained. However, we ecountered several problems along the way, so we discussed these in our groups and came up with this list of problems that can be sorted out or addressed:

- Did not ask for permission to move items around basement in order to prepare the location the day before the shoot, therefore making the caretakers very angry. In apologising and putting everything back to how it was we were told not to move anything until after 3pm on a school evening, and to move everything back to how it was after every shoot.
- The moving around of objects in the basement uses up alot of shooting time.
- Group members have not given long enough notice about them being late for a shoot because of matters such as medical appointments.
- When a group member was not present, action took place without this member knowing leading to confusion the day after (this was the moving of the items on preparing the day before the shoot, with one member not knowing about this until being told off about it).
- Shoots were done without using the shooting script for large parts, so the shot order was random and disorganised leading to missed out shots.
- Actors/helpers were kept a very long time after school without a real break, and sometimes without being needed at certain points during the shoot.
- There was alot of time wasting on shoot because of certain distractions and the novelty of filming in such a scary location in a mildly proffessional way.
- Communication between group members and actors/helpers was often hindered by jokes, unclear messages and short notice (the script being handed to them the day before).
- Using two lights with one on either side of the basement was tricky and one light was often left on for no purpose whilst we filmed using the other light, therefore wasting energy and time (to let the lights cool down before packing them away).
- We were not careful enough with expensive equipment, often acting before thinking, and trying to rush putting away the equipment in order to go home quickly. This resulted in an accident in which a £35 glass light filter was dropped and smashed because it was too hot having only just being turned off.
- Some props were not tested beforehand, such as the mixing of the fake blood going wrong, resulting in pure red food colouring being poured on an actors hand, which proved extremely hard to remove.
- The location proved very cluttered and messy, and all our paperwork, equipment and props were left strewn in random places (out of shot). This increased the possibility of items being lost and time was wasted at the end of the shoot, clearing up.
- There maybe a continuity issue with chains and rope the victim is tied up in and their positions, as well as pieces of black tape at different lengths being used in different takes.

We are going to create a re-shoot list of the shots we need to film (and those we need to film again). We are going to hold another shoot next Tuesday after school with actors, and film all the shots they are in using the shooting script. Any shots we do not need actors for we are going to film in a double media lesson this Friday (jncluding lots of cutaways) also using the shooting script. Here we can also record sounds. With these shots done before Tuesday, that shoot will be quicker and more precise, so actors are not held up so long at school and do not waste their time when they are not needed. Items will not have to be moved for the cutaway shots on Friday as they are all close up cutaways, so this moving job can be done quickly and efficiently at 3pm on Tuesday before the shoot (with some members having a free period then). I have an orthodentist appointment that afternoon at 3.40pm and will not be back for the shoot until 4.15pm. However, I have notified the group and this will cause no problems. We have decided that no helpers are needed for this shoot, and this will help speed things up as too many people present at the last shoot caused many distractions and time was wasted. This time we will be more serious, thorough and organised using the shooting script. All bags, props, equipment and folders will be kept at one part of the room together so that nothing is lost. We will be much more careful with equipment, and lights will not be left on unnecessarily. Furthermore, after the shoot actors will be allowed to go and we will turn the lights off to cool down whilst we pack away the rest of the equipment. This will leave the lights time to cool enough before we pack them away carefully without the possibility of dropping anything. Therefore, we can take this all together back to the media department so the teacher can go home too, leaving us with a clear basement in which we can move back all items to the correct positions before going home.

Overall, we are very happy with the footage and believe there are no problems with the actual project. We are fully prepared for all these problems now after 2 shoots, and everybody know fully what they are doing and what to expect (including actors who know their scripts fully now). We are also aware of the continuity issues and will make sure we know how to keep this the same as the other footage before going on our shoot. We will have better organisation, only bringing the paperwork we really need to follow, therefore allowing us to carry out the final shoot with more purpose and precision, speeding up the process and being far more productive. This will leave us with great footage to finish our projects with no major problems and a very exciting final production.

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