Preliminary Task - Brief

Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

Preliminary Task - Finished Sequence

Main Task - Brief

The titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes (all video and audio material must be original, produced by candidates, with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source).

Main Task - Finished Sequence

Why Kris is amazing

Hi I'm Kris and to the right (beneath useful links, labels and blog archive) there is a picture of me :D >

I look that smart every day really, even at school where I am currently studying media.

I love film and taking pictures, and if you scroll down the page you will see some random examples of this I have managed to dig up..

Anyway, on here I will be posting all my AS media foundation portfolio work and basically it will be pretty amazing...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Shot List

I wrote out a list of all the possible shots we could try and shoot on shooting day. Most are derived from a draft storyboard produced by Jack, although I added alot of extra shots that we came up with on test shoot day just in case the storyboarded sequence does not work, and so we have a huge range and variation in shots and ideas. This shot list will be present on shoot along with a shooting script, storyboard and shot log produced by Jack and Shaun.

Scene 1 - Victim waking up and struggling (try from different angles)
- ECU victims eyes
- BCU victims eyes and nose
- CU victims face
- MCU victims head and neck
- MCU victims head and neck (from behind)
- MS victim struggling
- MS HA victim struggling (behind over shoulder)
- MS LA victim struggling (behind over shoulder)
- MLS victim struggling
- LS LA 360 arc victim struggling
- LS 360 arc victim struggling
- LS HA 360 arc victim struggling
- LS victim struggling
- LS HA victim struggling
- LS LA victim struggling
- VLS crab victim struggling
- VLS crab victim struggling (from behind)
- CU victims left hand chained
- CU victims right hand chained
- CU victims waist chained (padlock)
- CU victims feet chained (metal tray)
- CU tilt or crane up from feet to shoulders and head
- Steady zoom out from CU face to LS victim struggling (could tilt to one side slowly)
- Crash zoom in from LS victim struggling to CU face

Scene 2 - Killers entrance
- POV handheld track of killer entering basement to victim
- Track following killer entering basement to victim (over shoulder)
- CU of killers feet walking down stairs
- CU of killers last step onto puddle
- CU of killers feet walking on level ground
- POV LS killer spying on victim through gap in shelves (not showing victims face)
- OTS LS killer spying on victim through gap in shelves (not showing victims face)
- LS killers shadow on wall (walks towards then turns right)
- MS killers shadow on wall (walks past)
- LA VLS killer walking past camera, looking around corner to victim (fully blacks out screen for split second)
- VLS killer walking past camera, looking around corner to victim (fully blacks out screen for split second)
- CU killers nose, mouth and neck as he zips up his jacket or zips down his jacket slightly
- CU killers fingers tapping against sides
- CU killer stretching out hand or cracking knuckles

Scene 3 - Killer/Victim conversation
- POV LS light flash with nothing in room ahead (from victims POV)
- POV LS light flash revealing killer (from victims POV)
- POV MLS light flash revealing killer (from victims POV)
- POV MS light flash revealing killer (from victims POV)
- POV MCU light flash revealing killer (from victims POV)
- HA OTS LS killer walking towards victim
- LA LS killer walking towards victim (from bottom left)
- LS mastershot of conversation (side on)
- MS OTS victims whole conversation (over killers left shoulder)
- MS OTS killers whole conversation (over victims right shoulder)
- CU killer chosing weapon and picking it up
- Quick pan down from victims face to weapons
- Handheld shot following killers weapon towards victims gag
- MLS Crab behind victim as killer speaks
- MLS OTS HA killer speaking (so weapons can be seen behind on ground)
- MS killer putting victim to sleep (side on)
- CU victims face falling to sleep
- ECU victism eyes falling to sleep
- POV room going blurry (from victims POV & going out of focus)
- LS of victim asleep and killer walking away

Scene 4 - Killers exit
- POV handheld track of killer exiting basement
- Track following killer exiting basement (over shoulder)
- MLS other victim chained to wall
- MCU other victim moaning
- CU bloody hand on door pane as lights go out

Cutaway Shots
- CU drainpipe dripping water onto puddle
- CU pipes near ceiling
- CU lights flickering
- MS blurry lights shimmering (out of focus)
- CU saw swinging from side to side hung up on peg
- CU sinister object on shelf
- CU scattered paper
- CU weapons lined up on ground

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